Uplifting Christian Reflections . New Christian book. Inspiring Christian thoughts . A popular, motivational, discounted Christian book and devotional fit for women, teens (youth), men, young adults & senior citizens. Uplifting Christian Reflections , available on Amazon in both the Kindle Unlimited e-book format and paperback format, encourages believers to constantly reflect on how they conduct their lives in Christ Jesus. The Christian life is not a destination; it is in reality a devotion and journey that should last a lifetime. The believer experiences humps and dips, the good and the bad, as they travel. God expects believers never to waver in the face of such environmental challenges. The author was sort of thinking aloud when he wrote this great book. He was reflecting on the practical lessons that he had learned since he first set out on the Christian journey. The author also drew lessons from personal experiences, especially to do with some views that he had ad...
Inspirational Short Sermons. A book every Christian should read. Available on Amazon and other online bookstores. The Christian life was never meant to be a stagnant one ; it was meant to be a hyperactive life that seeks the best in Christ Jesus always. To this end, the Bible exhorts Christians to mature in knowledge, this being reflected in how they conduct their lives as they walk the earth. The Bible is truly a great teacher on issues pertaining to personal Christian growth and transformation. Inspirational Short Sermons carries several short, uplifting, and insightful teachings, each of which can be read in just 5–10 minutes. The book, which is designed to help you to become much more than a name-plate Christian, will surely leave you with challenging thoughts and questions to ponder as you go about your daily business. Inspirational Short Sermons will also stimulate self-introspection and motivate you to take your faith to a higher le...